Ghost Nails

Ghost Nails

There’s no denying that ghouls and ghosts make Halloween, so we couldn’t ignore spooky nail designs, especially super easy Halloween ghost nail art! These cute-not-creepy ghost nails are so easy, anyone can do it so what are you waiting for? Read on and get ghostly cute ghost nails this Halloween.

Nail being painted with ORLY White Tips nail polish

Step 1.

Prep your nails and apply ORLY Bonder Base Coat

Paint each nail with two coats of ORLY White Tips

Step 2.

Dip a striper or a thin detail brush in ORLY Liquid Vinyl to paint triangles at the free edge of the nail. Fill in the triangles

Ghost nail art detail being added to a nail using ORLY Liquid Vinyl
Ghost nail art detail being added to a nail using ORLY Liquid Vinyl

Step 3.

Using a dotting tool, create two mirrored C shapes for ghosty eyes using ORLY Liquid Vinyl

Step 4.

Take a striper and ORLY Liquid Vinyl and draw mirrored eyes using three small lines each 

Ghost nail art detail being added to a nail using ORLY Liquid Vinyl

Step 5.

For your index finger eyes, create two diagonal lines angling towards the cuticle

Step 6.

Finish your design by using a large dotting tool and adding two eyes on the thumb

When the nails are completely dry, apply ORLY Glosser Topcoat

Ghost nails design detail being added to a nail using ORLY Liquid Vinyl

Tag us in your spooktacular Halloween nails @ORLYnailsUK

Tag us in your spooktacular Halloween nails @ORLYnailsUK